The first week at university is past now and in my head I am still on yesterday's proper first training with Aalborg "svømme klub". Denmark is "so far so good", so I hope it stays like this for a long time. We are really lucky this week, because we had 4 sunny days in a row (hope I didn't jinx it right now)! Just imagine this: you wake up and see the blue sky, so you will enjoy your morning cycle to school on 100%. And that is another thing- bikes. I really like this habit of getting around and everywhere on bike. Even though my bike is pretty rubbish and doesn't changes the gears. I am saving money and doing something good for my health. And school is also pretty good (I had no idea that I'm gonna say this everrr), even though we already have 4 "mini assignments" (which they all become one big assignment and we will have to present it). Only one thing is crazy (yes, crazy) and that is the accommodation. Imagine that 1400 students from all around the world arrive to one city and they all want to live somewhere. It's a fight...to be honest.
Down here are some pictures from this super sunny week.
dnešní úžasný východ slunce/today's spectacular sunrise
vchod do školy v obležení kol/school entrance surrounded by bikes
můj dopravní prostředek/my very own bike
západ slunce na střeše školy/sunset on school's rooftop
Hezký retro kolo😄co máte tam nějakou danish Frau na svømme😄?