Fotky jsou ze včerejší návštěvy Zoo, kam jsme vyrazili se spolužákama. Díky škole jsme měli vstup zadarmo, tak to by bylo abychom tam nešli. Studentskej život tak jak má bejt!
Guess what?! I am sitting on the floor of my (I mean ours) new apartment after first night and with a cup of tea and tissues, because I’m sick for the first time (and hopefully last time, because I’m never sick!) this autumn. Nobody cannot imagine, how big relief is this (unless you’ve been in this situation too). We got this apartment on this site called AKU, which is working in Aalborg and it is about that you sign up there and then you are on waiting lists in each and every apartment until one gets free and you can move in. We got this after almost a year of waiting, so yeaaah...Our apartment is situated in East side of the city (that sounds weird right?), right next to the park (exactly like I have it in Prague!) and it takes about 15-20 minutes to get to school and city centre. Only thing now is that I have to wait for Simona to come back from her trip to Prague and then we can (finally) go to Ikea and do a huuuuge shopping. That’s quite exciting, isn’t it?! Let’s just hope we!ll survive and our wallets will too.
These pictures down below are from yesterday’s visit of a Zoo, which we visited with my classmates. Thanks to Uni we got free tickets, so we just had to go. Student life as it should be!
photocredit belongs to this guy over here
budoucí designéři / future designers
zmrzlina větší než hlava / ice cream bigger than my head
a jedna bonusová z bytu/one bonus pic from new apartment
stay awesome!
Odkud mas ponozky s DINOSAURY???
OdpovědětVymazatnevim jak moc ti pomůže, když ti řeknu, že to byl Topshop na Gibraltaru :D