Letos poprvé budu trávit podzim mimo mojí milovanou Prahu. Poprvé budu slavit narozeniny v cizí zemi, poprvé je oslavím s lidmi, které znám pouhých pár týdnů. Na závěr ale stejně všechno vede k jedné hlavní myšlence a to, co mi tahle nová epizoda života přinese...
tak uvidíme
Autumn is here. Not just officially according to a calendar, but you can feel it in the air. Colorful leaves, chilly mornings, early sundowns and I will not be a teenager anymore. I was so scared about the number "20" and I wasn't ready to accept it, but as the time goes I am ready to hop into the new decade of my life. I am ready to be an adult. (did I really just said that?!) I will still act like a little child sometimes (when I see a dinosaur's plush toy) and I will still be my parent's little Míša and I will probably never grow up from some things, but it is here and I can't avoid it either I want to or not.
This is is going to be my first time, when I spend autumn out of my beloved Prague, first time of celebrating my birthday abroad, first time when I spend my birthday with people, who I know just few weeks. But all of this leads to one bigger thought and that is what this new chapter of my life brings...
let's see
stay awesome!
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