Oh, Italy...I hold so much love for anything italian. Well, actually and mainly - FOOD and their beautiful mountains. Pizza and pizza and pizza. Than cheese, cheese and cheese. And then gelatto, gelatto, gelatto.
Do I need to continue? No.
So when November was turning into December, I went to Italian Alps for couple of days. More exactly, Livigno. This beautiful, tax free, cute, ski town is well known between athletes. It seriously is the perfect place. Pizzerias are on every corner and Italians always can do snow, even though the conditions are (sadly) getting worse and worse in Central Europe. But I am finally getting to my point. Livigno is lovely town, which holds an opening race for us long distance cross country skiers. And I was there too this year. It is a small race with around 800 participants and since it is "so small", you get to see the legends of long distance cross country skiing (could the name be any longer?!) just few metres from you.
There is a funny story to it as well. I got to eat pizza in a tiny pizza place with the legends of legends for us Czechs - Standa Rezac. It was so nice to talk to him about the race and how is he feeling about this years Visma Ski classics - series.
Well, I rested my soul in Livigno so so much. I don’t know if it was caused by the sun or the food or just being out in the mountains, but it felt great. I realized that I need nature (especially beautiful mountains covered in snow) in my life. That is actually no surprise, since my parents took me to mountains all the time, when I was little.
Aaaah, I feel so "zen" even just thinking about it.
Goodbye for now. (and eat some pizza)
Do I need to continue? No.
So when November was turning into December, I went to Italian Alps for couple of days. More exactly, Livigno. This beautiful, tax free, cute, ski town is well known between athletes. It seriously is the perfect place. Pizzerias are on every corner and Italians always can do snow, even though the conditions are (sadly) getting worse and worse in Central Europe. But I am finally getting to my point. Livigno is lovely town, which holds an opening race for us long distance cross country skiers. And I was there too this year. It is a small race with around 800 participants and since it is "so small", you get to see the legends of long distance cross country skiing (could the name be any longer?!) just few metres from you.
There is a funny story to it as well. I got to eat pizza in a tiny pizza place with the legends of legends for us Czechs - Standa Rezac. It was so nice to talk to him about the race and how is he feeling about this years Visma Ski classics - series.
Well, I rested my soul in Livigno so so much. I don’t know if it was caused by the sun or the food or just being out in the mountains, but it felt great. I realized that I need nature (especially beautiful mountains covered in snow) in my life. That is actually no surprise, since my parents took me to mountains all the time, when I was little.
Aaaah, I feel so "zen" even just thinking about it.
Goodbye for now. (and eat some pizza)
Mám v sobě tolik lásky pro cokoliv italského. Teda vlastně a hlavně - JÍDLO a jejich nádherné hory. Pizza, pizza a pizza. Potom sýr a sýr a sýr. No a nakonec želáto, želáto, želáto.
Mám pokračovat? Radši ne. Už teď se mi sbíhají sliny.
Takže když se listopad lámal v prosinec, tak já vyjela do Italských Alp na pár dnů. Přesněji do Livigna. Tohleto milé, bezcelní, lyžařské městečko je moc dobře známé mezi námi sportovci. Doopravdy to je perfektní místo (nejen pro trénink). Pizzerie na každém rohu, Italové vždycky dokážou vykouzlit slušný sníh, přestože je to v té naší Evropě rok od roku horší. Ale konečně k věci. Livigno je roztomilé městečko, které každý rok pořádá první dálkoběžkařský závod sezony - La Sgambeda a já jsem se ho letos konečně zúčastnila! Je to jeden z těch menších závodů sezony, které má zhruba 800 účastníků, takže všechny ty hvězdy dálkového běžkování máte přímo před sebou.
A chcete zajímavou storku? Naprostou náhodou jsem si pokecala nad pizzou se Standou Řezáčem. A jestli nevíte kdo je Standa Řezáč, tak to teda nevim. Bylo to fajn si pokecat, jak to vidí s letošní sezonou Visma Ski Classics a co bude mazat na zítřejším závodě.
No, řeknu vám...v Livignu sem si neskutečně oddáchla. Nevim, jestli to bylo tím sluníčkem nebo skvělým jídlem, ale bylo to úžasný. Uvědomila sem si (již poněkolikáté), že potřebuju k životu přírodu (teda hlavně hory, nejlépe zasněžené). A není divu, když mě rodiče jakou malou tahali do hor pořád.
Ještě teď se cejtim “zen”, jen když na to pomyslim.
Ale to je pro dnešek všechno, nechám za sebe mluvit fotky.
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