8. 9. 2018


Day 3. 

Woke up with no such horrible need to pee. 

Had a slow breakfast by the lake and then we decided to rent a kayak and paddle board for couple of hours. Packed a snack, phones, gopro and headed out. It was fun. Lots of sun and lots of pictures. Some people have fear of heights, I have a fear of depths.

 Embracing the fear and paddling straight into the middle of a lake. When we returned the fun stuff, we didn't have enough of cash (or maybe I didn't, having cash in my pockets ain't my strong side).

So there was only one option, run to the nearest cash machine. And the nearest one was on the other end of the lake 4,4 km far away. I laced my running shoes, Anežka took her Toms on and we both headed out. It wasn't a bad run after all. My legs are very sore from yesterday, but I had to get it done. 

After all the mandatory stuff like paying our bill for kayak and paddle, I jumped into the lake, made friends with a beautiful doooog and waited for Anežka to come back from her walk to the ATM. Mandatory pasta and headed out for (as usual) evening Laško beer. Managed to write 4 postcards and I'm pretty happy with what I wrote. 

Anežka keeps telling me not to eat after I brush my teeth, but I'm like “whatever I've got cravings and I'm on holiday” so not a problem for me. I'll read a bit now and then say good night. 

7. 9. 2018


DAY 2   

Woke up with a horrible need to pee (as always). Made a porridge and headed out. Plan was to do a hike. What it turned into was something we definitely didn't expect and absolutely underestimated. At least I did. Started being kinda lost village called Stara Fužina even though we had directions from local Infocenter. Had to jump across a fence to cross private land to get on our original route. Lol.  
First climb to Vogar and first real altitude meters (500m to be exact). Then we continued on the top of the hills, but still kinda climbed. At that point I knew this was going to be long day. The final stretch to Pršivec (1760) (aka our main goal) was mostly climbing on rocks.At that point, the forrest finally started opening up, so some decent views started too. There was this  beautiful lookout and as I was walking towards the views I said quite laud "this is fucking crazy" and there was a german girl and it lead to us chatting about the hike. At the top, we got to see Triglav and realised that we barely have any food and water left. I thought we will descent quickly, but hell nah.

The first hut had water for 2€, we ain't paying that. So we kept descending and started signing, our legs started to hurt and shake. And after Črne jezero, we still had 700 altitude meters down to go. Few ropes and chains appeared, cause it was a rocky path. We started being little crazy. The legs turned into jelly at that point. I knew that the last bit along the river from Savica Koča, we'll hitchhike for sure. Our legs couldn't take any more walking. I think the 4th car passing us stopped. Young couple from Berlin. No wonder they stopped. The car  ride helped us so much and saved us probably one more hour of walking. 

Quick jump into the lake (took a gopro with me), it's super deep. Than finally huge portion of everyone's favourite pestopasta, which has been awaited by many (aka me and me) and now we're sitting at camp's restaurant and drinking the local beer Laško. Pretty good beer to be honest. I'm so ready for bed. ✌🏼️


5. 9. 2018


Day 1

Leaving Czech Republic with a heavy rain upon us and dobrodošli to Slovenia in the same conditions. We knew that the first day will be rainy and moody. Getting to the camp turned out to be very easy, just one bus and 4,10€ later, we found ourselves walking along the Bohinj lake. It was a shock at first. The camp is overcrowded, but we found a good dry spot for our tent. List of priorities right after we put the tent up was to jump in the lake. Just a fews step between our textile house and the lake, so I think it will be a every day thing. Breakfast at 11am followed by a nap. Now I'm about to read that book I brought all the way from Prague. 

Anezka woke up from her nap and we packed snacks to backpacks and headed out to walk around the lake cca 13-14k. Seems like this place is favourite spot not only for European tourists, but locals too. It's very heave on people, which I'm not the biggest fan of.

As we walked, we stopped at pretty bench with lake view  to eat bread and cheese. It has gotten so hot, that I decided to jump in the lake only in a bra and running short. 10 mins later it started raining a bit. And 45 mins later a huge rain has started and it still lasts till now (7pm), when I'm writing this. We're hiding in a tent hoping for a dry window to make portion of pesto pasta (which I've been looking for the whole week). 

So after a good 3 and something hours of signing in a tent (sorry not sorry everyone in surrounding tents), we embraced getting out in the rain (I needed to pee lol). We took our stove, very instant mug soups and now we're sitting next to a lot of germans, who play cards. I want this night to be over already. This rain suuuucks! 

As we were falling asleep the rain stopped. Finally.

Btw, now looking back at it, the karaoke in our tent as it was crazy raining outside is one of the best memories I'll probably have. 

9. 2. 2018

Kavárenský povaleč

Nejednou už mi bylo řečeno, abych udělala kavárenský průvodce po Praze. Za a) strašně mi to lichotí, že lidi ode mě chtějí tipy na kavárny, za b) je to náročná práce. Kavárna stojí čas a peníze a jako student jsem v jisté časové i finanční tísni, ale co si budem...na cappucino a dort se vždycky peníze najdou. 
A tak jsem se dnesk rozhodla napsat o mojí čerstvý lásce k nový kavárně. Je hned u Žižkovský věže, takže lokalita hispter Žižkova. Kousek pěšky od Jířáku a nebo kus pěšky (ale do kopce) z Husinecký. Mojí novou láskou procházející přes žaludek je pobočka Bistro 8 - Vinohrady. 
Ironie je, že v původním Bistru 8 na Letný jsem v životě nebyla a jen jednou prošla okolo. Nejsem člověk z Letný (ikdyž Bio Oko a Café Jedna jsou moji favoriti), já jsem Vinohradskej kavárník. Nemůžu teda srovnávat s originálním Bistrem 8, ale co...Vinohradský Bistro mě naprosto uchvátilo. Láska na první pohled. Nabídka, chuť, prostředí, vibes, výběr nábytku...všechno! Takže já mám teď novou oblíbenou kavárnu a nechci chodit nikam jinam. Zbytek nechám na fotkách. 

Ne nadarmo se řiká, že láska prochází žaludkem. <3

Konec hlášení.