Tyhle fotky jsem fotila po cestě zpět do Dánska. Byla to tak trochu challenge od Aničky, která taky to ráno (v 6:50!) letěla. Proč challenge? V předvečer byl maturitní ples našeho úžasného gymnázia aka #PŘÍPOPLES. My jely non-stop aneb z plesu na after party a pak jen pro kufry a hurá ve 4:30 na letiště. Velké dík mamince a babičce Aničky, protože bez nich bych se asi na to letiště nedostala. :D
Mimochodem největší výhoda ranního letu? No přeci to vycházející slunce! <3
The first time I flew with airplane was back in 2012, when I was 16. Together with Maruška and Terka (aka the best friends from the pool) we flew to London for couple days in between Olympics and Paralympics. I remember how scared I was. I had to hold Maruška's hand with that I'll keep holding her hand until we land. This very sweaty hand connection ended 15 minutes after take-off, because..well it was just too sweaty and I realized that there is nothing to be afraid of. I started to enjoy the fly above the clouds. Ever since than I'm excited to fly, because it's just amazing feeling to be above clouds. I always take 10000 pictures, which are so hard to delete even they all look-alike and because they are all beautiful and Instagram worthy.
These pictures were taken on the plane on the way back to Denmark. It was a bit of a challenge from Anna, who flew with me to Frankfurt. Why challenge? Well, the evening/night before was our high school's prom, which we could not miss out. So our non-stop experience looked like this: from the prom to after party and than just grabbing our suitcases and at 4:30 off to the airport. Thanks to Anna's mum and grandmother, because without them I wouldn't probably make it to the airport. :D
BTW - the perks of flying in the morning? The absolutely stunning rising sun <3
stay awesome
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